Easy Ricotta Chicken – Low Carb and So Delicious!

Hello! My name is Regan and I am obsessed with ricotta cheese! I absolutely love the stuff. To be honest, I could eat it straight out of the container by the spoonful, but I TRY not to do that often. This Easy Ricotta Chicken is a made from scratch recipe with a short ingredient list, a super satisfying taste and it is also low in carbs and just healthy overall. Serve this chicken with some fresh veggies or a salad to keep things low carb, or with some whole wheat pasta to get a healthy dose of fiber.

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Instant Pot Beef Ragu with Pappardelle – Great for Guests!

Instant Pot Beef Ragu with Pappardelle

This Instant Pot Beef Ragu with Pappardelle requires only a few minutes of prep time, and the end result is a delicious, hearty and elegant pasta dish that will impress any dinner guest. I love super easy recipes that yield amazing results, and this is definitely one of those. Serve these with a fresh salad, warm bread and a bottle of wine and enjoy!

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One Pot Lasagna Soup – Easy Clean Up and Kid Friendly

One Pot Lasagna Soup

My husband travels pretty often for work, and I really think the worst part of him being gone (other than missing him, obviously) is dishes. Let me explain – at the end of a long day of school and 5 million other activities, getting 4 young kids fed, bathed and to bed is pretty much like running a marathon. Because our house is pretty much 100% chaos between the hours of 5-8, I usually focus all of my energy on getting the kids to bed, and the dishes become an after thought. It never fails – I finally get the last kid to bed and breathe a sigh of relief. Then I walk downstairs and back into the kitchen and want to run far, far away. Finding the strength to get those dishes done at that point is next to impossible. That’s why recipes like this One Pot Lasagna Soup are perfect for me. There is SO MUCH less clean-up!

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